Glendon Place ~ Spook Town Square ~ Part 4 of 4
General Information for the entire design: Spook Town Square is a Halloween design that will be rolled out in 4 parts. It is a depiction of a small Halloween town with the gazebo in the center and all the little shops arranged around the gazebo kind of like a town square. A total of 81 colors of Sullivans floss and 2 colors of DMC Color Variations floss were used in the model. DMC and Anchor comparable colors are also provided on the chart.
Fabric: Stitched on 28ct Tarnish Cashel Linen hand-dyed by Picture This Plus OR fabric of your choice. If stitching the entire design, a piece of fabric 26″ X 26″ will be needed, or 1/2 yard (26″ X 36″).
Stitch Count: For the entire design 278 X 278