Plum Street Samplers ~ Grateful and Willing
From Paulette:
This was a fun Thanskgiving-inspired piece to design, as it combined a little patriotism and the reminder to be grateful for our country and God's blessings on her. The verse reads "I give to this beloved land my grateful heart and willing hand."
Stitch count: 131w x 94h
Threads used: DMC in 402, 436, 644, 677, 924, 950, 3021, 3022, 3371, 3781, 3790, 3856, and 3860 (if Misty Mauve is not used - one half of an acorn is stitched in this color); Weeks Dye Works in Hazelnut, Bright Leaf, Chestnut, Bark, and Crimson; Classic Colorworks in Pine Needle, Pea Pod, Eggshell, Jakey Brown, and Misty Mauve (or DMC 3860 - see previous note).